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The Struggle vs. The Blessings

Blessings comes in many different ways. Someone can bless you with a car, clothes, money which these are material items that can disappear any time. You can also be blessed spiritually. This is when he pours into our spirit love, joy, peace, which can only receive this from God.

Family is a blessing to us because they plant so many seeds into our lives that develop and shape us. We ask God to help us to grow in him and we ask God to mold us and make us. One thing we must understand is God does not operate the way we think he should nor does he handle things the way we would hanle it. God is awesome because his thoughts are not our thoughts better yet, he thinks so much higher than we could ever think.

While we are trying to figure out how he is going work it out in our lives, we are not awaere that God has already started the process in us. One thing we must understand is even when we don't see anything physically happening for us, in the spiritual realm, God has already completed the work it in our life, so just because you have no seen it does not mean it has not been done.

God uses the good times and the bad times to mold us, shape us and bless us. In every struggle the family goes through God blesses the family. In our struggles, we wonder why but we forget what we prayed and ask God to do for us. The struggle, the storm or the test comes to mold us, and shape us into his image an this is the answers to our prayer. This answer happened in an unbelieveable way it may have been stressful, painful and unbearable but it pushed us to our goal: Mold Us; Make Us and Shape Us.

The potter has to take the clay into his hand, make it, scrape away parts, push parts and mold it into what he sees in his mind. God does the same thing with us. He takes us into his hand and he allows opposition to come our way to mold us, make us, scrape away the things that are weights, push us to what is in our heart and go for it. Now the struggles and problems that are happening when you are going through a test may seem too much but God is chipping away, anger, selfishness, pride, attitudes, and jealousy so he can bless you.

Everytime we go through opposition one thing we must remember is the struggle is the fight of our flesh resisting the change that God is doing in your life. Also the struggle reveals who you are and what is inside of us.

The purpose of the struggle is to teach us how to overcome, how to see past the oppostion, never let go of hope and perserve and never give up. This is the blessings you gain from enduring the struggle. Learning to keep your focus on God and know that he has not left you but is with you to help you come out victorious!

Have you ever struggle? Now that you have read this article has it helped you to understand how to deal with your problems differently? I am writing articles to encourage others and help them learn view their problems in a different aspect. If you have any questions or if this has helped you, leave your comments by sending an email by clicking on "Contact".

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