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Growth In God

Man is always seeking a closer relationship with God and may constantly seek him in prayer and lay his petition before the Lord regarding the matter. Even when we seek God as to what is our purpose in him, we never really think about how the answer will be revealed to us. We never think about what is it that we will have to experience or go through to get my answer.

In order to find out what your true purpose is in God, you may find yourself in a place where your life is turned upside down. We may be confronted with some difficult family challenges that pushes us to a place that is very uncomfortable. Sometimes we may be confronted with opposition that we can't understand the reason why? God always has a purpose and a reason for everything that transpires in our lives.

One thing about when we receive an answer from the Lord is it will never comes the way we think it should happen. It may bring hurt, disappointment, pain, heartaches, health challenges, even a loss of a love one or misunderstandings of siblings, childrens and family members. All of these circustances bring forth pressure of some source which can bring us to our knees. Sometimes the pressure comes to turn our attention to God and his Word so he can speak to us.

The pressures of life brings us to a place to seek God for clarity and understanding while we are in the midst of the storm. When we seek him, he will speak to our spirit and send peace to our hearts or give us knowledge through his word. In order for us to see his purpose in our lives some things must happen to open our eyes to help us see his direction or plan.

Pressure is designed to push us into the place to receive his blessing but when you are not willing to suffer it will cause some people to run the opposite direction. When you love the Lord with the spirit to walk in obedience of his Word we have come to know and understand from our past experience that pressure has benefits to those who endure the test. Without pressure we will never understand God and how he orchestrates a miracle to rest upon us.

Sometime we preceive pressure as pain, too difficult to bear but pressure does not confront us to destroy us it's purpose is to help us crucify our flesh so that God can be glorified. In other words, we have not died to the things of the world nor have allowed the spirit to operate in completeness in our lives. He is bring us to a place to take on the image of him.

It's amazing how there are times we may put in a position to be humiliated by someone or not excepted so we can know how Jesus felt when he was rejected and despised. This is not a pleasant place to be but when you walk through it in obedience and humility the spiritual man receives glory so God can be lifted up.

2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light afflictions which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. kjv Pressure is working for you to help you receive a spiritual blessing from the Lord.

Pressure excels you towards and helps direct you toward your purpose in God! This is when purpose opens doors (provides us with a breakthrough), presents opportunities that only God can provide for us. Therefore, we must take our eyes off of all of the chaos in and around our lives and stay focus on God. Because in the midst of all of the chaos, God is talking to us and trying to open our eyes to see the big picture.

The truth of the matter is the chaos is not about us, everything that we experience is about God revealing himself to us. This is really what all of the pressure and chaos is about. We must learn to ask ourselves: What is God trying to get me to see or what is it that I need to ask him to remove out of my spirit or my life? Or ask him Lord what is it I need to do to be ready when you come?

We should always be ready, looking for God to give us an answer to our questions in the midst of adversity. He will send us an answer we must be attentitive to hear him.

When the pressure comes we must remember that God is waiting on us to seek him so he can reveal the answer to our questions. Take time to seek him in prayer and in his Word. Growing brings challenges but without any challenges there will be no change.

Thank you Lord for challenges and pressure because they are the vehicle that cause us to draw closer to you.

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