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Waiting on God

As a believer to wait on God, means we must be looking for our prayer to be answered. Waiting with patience for an event to manifests or be fulfilled in our lives takes patience. There may be times when you are in the midst of a circumstances which appear to not be working out or going as you had planned. It may also appears that you have been forgotten or your prayer has not been heard. In these times, this is when we must trust God knowing and believing he will provide for us because of his Word.

Even in our waiting, we may not receive the answer we desire but one thing about it is God knows what we need and shall supply our need accordingly. One thing you must remember, we can't expect God to come to our rescue only when we are in trouble. God wants us to be committed and faith to him. When we live according to his Word, he will honor his Word as long as our prayer lines up with his Word. God's timing is not our timeframe. So even when we feel like God is late or did not answer our prayers on time, his Word tells us his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. So when God answers our prayers he is always on time because he will not answer our prayers until the purpose of the situation had been revealed to us. God wants us to know him through our experiences and once we understand his plan then we will give him the glory and the praise.

My sould wait's quietly before God. He is my only Hope. God knows how to reach us patience by making us wait on him. Waiting allows us to see things we would never that we would never see if we did not have to wait for an answer. In some situation, God is our only Saviour. He is the only one who can heal us, deliver us, save us, keep us and lift us up in the midst of the storm. Waiting on God builds up our trust and hope in him. For if we never had to wait on him we would never learn of his mercy and his grace in our lives.

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