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Life Brings Pressure

Have you ever wonder why things seem to go wrong and it repeating itself several times in a row before it stops? It is a test to wear you down and make you stop. Especially when you have made up your mind to make a change and you have decided to work towards doing what is right.

If we never go through anything we will understand the Will of God. We will never learn anything about ourselves or how to deal with pressures. Jesus always told parables to the disciples to help them understand his point.

We go through different situations, test or afflictions, in order, for God to get our attention and get us to come to a place of gratefulness and thankfulness.

When everything is going well, we seem to stray from him. When our world is filled with chaos we turn to God to help us out of the situation. When there is pressure in our life, it reveals to us what is hidden on the inside of us that we thought we had overcomed or we thought we had forgiven. God uses these things to help cleanse our spirit so we can receive the fruit of the spirit.

One thing afflictions produces is patience because our faith must be tried and when it is tried it will have it's perfect work (it will move out everything that is not like God) its purpose is to put us in a place where the test will make us perfect, entire and wanting nothing. James 1:4 KJV

If we never gain patience we will never go through, deal with or endure things that are uncomfortable. When we never endure a test, and we will never learn the purpose of the test or what God is trying to remove out of our spirit and empower us thay=t will take us to the next level.

The Word of God tells us to "endure hardness as good soldier of Jesus Christ", 2 Timothy 2:3 KJV

Iin order to gain strength and power to go through pressure, we must go through until the end. Life's pressures comes to teach us more about God's purpose for us. Whatever we experience in life it does show up to destroy us; it only comes to push us closer to him.

When you find yourself in a place where the pressure of life is pushing you just remember God has a plan for you and he is bringing you into your destiny,

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