Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory prayer is an act of praying to God in the behalf of someone you love, those who have requested you to pray for them or a family member.
Praying for others takes discipline to have love for them that you are willing to take their petition to God and cry out before him on their behalf.
To intercede in prayer is to go before God and lay your requests, concerns, troubles before him by talking to him and seek him in earnest prayer unti you receive an answer.
When some people pray they are so concerned about the things they want or need in their own lives. Sometime they never think about praying for some one else who need a relationship with God, need someone twho just need help through sickness, illnesses, lost of a love one, depression, drugs, trouble with children in schools,
It is a blessing to be able to pray for others and see your prayers being answered. Take time to pray for someone else because when we make our petition known to God for others, we will take care of our needs.
When you are driving down the street and you see someone who is in need, take a minute from what you are doing and whisper a prayer for them.
Take time to pray but most of all, pray for someone in your family or someone you do not know. We must learn to not alway be caught up in our wants and desire or problems but we must reach out and pray for others.
The Bibles tells us to pray for those who dispitefully misuse us, this is the perfect example. When we pray for those who are against us God uses our prayer when we ask God to bless them and save them to release the hurt and pain we experienced through their attack. This allows us to talk to them and come into their presence without having any strife in our heart. God uses the things that seem so difficult to do to bless us. Remember others when you pray because you never how God is blessing you when you do so.